Home Hospitality The Art Of Selling Tech To Hotels

The Art Of Selling Tech To Hotels

This discussion is a collaborative effort between Terence Ronson, Pertlink and Martin Bookallil , founder of Bookallil Advisory and provides practical advice for technology vendors on effectively selling their products to the hotel industry. The episode, part of a more extensive series focusing on different tech topics, outlines a list of “do’s” and “don’ts” for tech salespeople to consider. These guidelines are based on Martin and ’Terence’s decades of experience managing technology deployment across hotels in the Asia-Pacific region and aim to help vendors successfully navigate the complexities of the hospitality industry. The advice focuses on understanding hotel business needs, demonstrating the benefits of the technology, and highlighting the positive impact it can have on guest experience, operational efficiency, and the hotel’s bottom line.

This podcast was produced with Google notebookLM.

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